| 1. | This same truth is a naked and open day light . “真理”这件东西可说是一种无隐无饰的白昼之光。
| 2. | For the open day programme , please visit 开放日的节目和详情,请浏览以下网址:
| 3. | But don ' t worry . you ' re still going to opening day 别担心你还是跟我一起去开球日的
| 4. | Lingnan university s open day on coming saturday 岭南大学本周六举行开放日
| 5. | The open days are usually arranged during the weekends 开放日通常定于周末,方便市民参观。
| 6. | Third open day to promote smoke - free environment in restaurants 第三次开放日推广食肆无烟环境
| 7. | All right , can you believe it ? it ' s here , opening day 哦,很好,难以置信到了今天的开幕式了
| 8. | Civil aid service 55th anniversary open day 民安队周年纪念开放日
| 9. | Second open day to promote smoke - free environment in restaurants 第二次开放日推广食肆无烟环境
| 10. | First ferry macau " new vessel open day 新渡轮澳门新船开放日